• Custom orthotics are shoe inserts designed specifically to support your foot posture, which ultimately controls your overall function and movement. Direct Source Physical Therapy is proud to provide our patients the option of custom orthotics using Sole Supports™; a company that strives to accurately support your feet in their ideal posture. The Sole Support is based on founder, Dr. Edward S. Glaser’s  MASS Posture Theory (video below).  We use Sole Supports™ because of the cutting-edge technology in their design and our ability to customize it for each individual issue. Your custom orthotics are made with long-lasting, sturdy materials and are well-designed to handle the stresses of weight-bearing for several years creating a long-term effect.

  • Your physical therapist ensures that your foot and ankle have the appropriate range of motion needed for efficient mechanics. A mold of your foot is made to capture your unique neutral foot position. We then support the feet with orthotics to help sustain the gains made in your treatments. Generic orthotics and some “custom orthotics” are molded for the overall population and are likely, not optimal for your unique foot posture, arches, history of injuries, and foot mechanics.

  • Sports Performance

    Arch Support


    Hallux Limitus

    Hammer Toe

    IT Band Pain

    Knee Pain

    Leg Length Discrepancy

    Low Back Pain


    Morton’s Neuroma

    Plantar Fasciitis


    Shin Splints

    Spinal Posture

    Tarsal Tunnel

    Flat Feet

  • The “casting” process is very easy and takes under 2 minutes to complete. Your foot is systematically pressed into the foam to make an impression of your foot in its optimal position. Once the cast is complete it is sent to the lab. Orthotic fabrication takes 2-3 weeks. Once received your physical therapist will complete a “fitting” to endure the proper fit and explain the “break-in” period.

  • Your trained physical therapist will evaluate your posture, and gait (the way you walk), to determine your orthotic needs. Please call 303-219-0443 for more information.